Gatit series

  • Gatit speciality series
  • Gatit CF-chloride free
  • Gatit RC-reduced chloride (up to 7.5% Cl)
  • Gatit S-for growing on substrate
  • Gatit T-for tropical zone with high rainfall conditions

Gatit fertilizers are solid, fully water-soluble NPK fertigation fertilizers ready to be Injected into the irrigation system directly to the active roots zone.

Gatit fertilizer allows rapid preparation of fertilizer solution with an accurate ratio of nutrient elements as required, instead of making up fertilizer solutions from different fertilizers, that require weighing each fertilizer separately and the use of mixing equipment.

Gatit fertilizers are prepared from different sources of Nitrogen (NH2, NH4 and NO3), Phosphorous and Potassium and Trace elements according to the needs of the different crops. Gatit is enriched with Ng the following Trace elements. (TE): Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mo). Gatit NPK fertilizers contain Magnesium (Mg).


Gatit CF Chloride free
The most common Gatit CF formulas are as follows:

gr/Kg Fertilizer Nutrien ratios Nutrien concentration (%)  
K2O P2O5 N K2O P2O5 N   K2O P2O5 N  
180 180 180 1 1 1 + TE 18 18 18 Gatit CF
200 200 200 1 1 1 + TE 20 20 20 Gatit CF
100 470 120 1 4 1 + TE 10 47 12 Gatit CF
350 350 40 9 9 1 + TE 35 35 4 Gatit CF
100 100 280 1 1 3 + TE 10 10 28 Gatit CF
270 90 170 3 1 2 + TE 27 9 17 Gatit CF
350 50 150 7 1 3 + TE 35 5 15 Gatit CF

Upon request special Gatit CF/RC NPK combinations can be customized to satisfy your crops’ needs, subject to minimum order.


Gatit RC Reduced Chloride
The most common Gatit RC formulas are as follows:

Nutrient in gr/Kg fertilizer Nutrien ratios Nutrien concentration (%)  
K2O P2O5 N K2O P2O5 N   K2O P2O5 N  
180 180 180 1 1 1 + TE 18 18 18 Gatit CF
190 190 190 1 1 1 + TE 19 19 19 Gatit CF
180 280 140 1.3 2 1 + TE 18 28 14 Gatit CF
120 120 230 1 1 2 + TE 12 12 23 Gatit CF
270 90 170 3 1 2 + TE 27 9 17 Gatit CF
210 70 210 3 1 3 + TE 21 7 21 Gatit CF
400 60 120 7 1 2 + TE 40 6 12 Gatit CF

Upon request special Gatit CF/RC NPK combinations can be customized to satisfy your crops’ needs, subject to minimum order.


Gatit S
Gatit S
fertilizer is specially adapted to crops grown on soilless mediums like:
tuff, cocopeat, rockwool, perlite

Gatit S has two main characteristics that distinguish it from the classic Gatit:

  1. Does not contain Urea Nitrogen (NH2)
  2. Chloride free

The most common Gatit S formulas are as follows:

Nutrient in gr/Kg fertilizer Nutrien ratios Nutrien concentration (%)  
K2O P2O5 N K2O P2O5 N   K2O P2O5 N  
240 80 140 3 1 2 + TE 24 8 14 Gatit CF
170 60 170 3 1 3 +2.5 MgO + TE 12 8 24 Gatit CF

Upon request special Gatit S NPK combinations can be customized to satisfy your crop’s needs, subject to minimum order.
Gatit S serial not allow for using to hydroponic systems.


Gatit T
Tropical zone with high amounts of rainfall are characterized by low levels of chloride, Magnesium (Mg) and Boron (B) in soil solution to adapted to these condition.

Gatit T is enriched with Magnesium (Mg), up to 2% and with Boron (B) as well.
The most common Gatit T formulas are as follows:

Nutrient in gr/Kg fertilizer Nutrien ratios Nutrien concentration (%)  
K2O P2O5 N K2O P2O5 N   K2O P2O5 N  
180 180 180 1 1 1 -2 MgO + TE 18 18 18 Gatit CF
180 280 140 1.3 2 1 -2 MgO + TE 18 28 14 Gatit CF
100 100 250 1 1 2.5 -2 MgO + TE 10 10 25 Gatit CF
270 90 170 3 1 2 -2 MgO + TE 27 9 17 Gatit CF
210 70 210 3 1 3 -2 MgO + TE 21 7 21 Gatit CF
350 60 120 6 1 2 -2 MgO + TE 35 6 12 Gatit CF

Upon request special Gatit CF/RC NPK combinations can be customized to satisfy your crops’ needs, subject to minimum order.


The Advantages of Using Gatit Fertilizers
In regions with high precipitation
, flushed soil ; or drainable light -medium soil that are irrigated with high quality water (low chloride concentration), it is important to use fertilizers that contain reduce chlorine to achieve the required threshold concentration of chlorine needs for the crops’ development. In this case Gatit fertilizers that contain reduced chlorine can be used to save some expenses. Gatit fertilizers with a medium pH reaction (pH 4-5) are suitable to be used in every irrigation system , without any risk of corrosion the metal equipments in the irrigation system.

Gatit fertilizers excel in their his high solubility with a water to fertilizer ratio of 3:1, resulting in a clear solution without any sediments, and that can be used in fertigation for all types of drippers and sprinklers with no fear of clogging.

Gatit fertilizers meet the most severe standards of threshold concentrations for heavy metals in fertilizer. It can be stored and used without risk. Sacks of Gatit fertilizer are convenient for transportation and storage.

Gatit fertilizers excel in maintaining a moderate pH level (pH 4-5) following the dissolving of the fertilizing solution in the container, so the quality of the micro-chelates added to the fertilizer is maintained. In solutions with acidity less that pH 3, the micro-chelates lose their chelation qualities and the micro elements become unavailable as result of chemical processes in the irrigation water and in soil solution.

In proper fertigation, the usual dose of Gatit is lower in irrigation water, in the range of 0.2 kg – 1 kg per cubic meter of irrigation water; in extreme cases it can reach 3 kg per cubic meter. This results low buffering with the bicarbonate in the irrigation water, and the pH level slightly decreases (in high doses – up to 1 pH unit).

Increasing the acidity in irrigation water to reduce the pH in alkaline rich soil is not practical as the soil’s buffering ability is huge and the soil’s pH changes for a very short time (several minutes). Moreover, in order to receive a reaction in the soil , the lowest pH level is required in fertilizers solution, where there is no chance of survival for the chelated micro-nutrientes which are essential for nutrition in calcareous soils. Using Gatit fertilizers in irrigation water provides a suitable pH for maintaining the integrity of the micro-chelates and their effectiveness in feeding the root system.

The use of Gatit fertilizers is intended for feeding crops in a controlled management according to the their consumption, so the composition of the fertilizer and its dosage in the irrigation solution changes according to the type of crop and its stage of development. This means that the pH level cannot be maintained fixed in irrigation water. Moreover, fertigation is not always carried out constantly in irrigation cycle, and does not take place in every application of irrigation water, It is recommended to start by introducing water into the irrigation system without fertilizer, then inject fertilizer towards the end of the cycle, and to complete irrigation cycle by flushing the lines without fertilizer.

By doing this, increasing the acidity in irrigation water with the Gatit fertilizers for preventing bicarbonate sediments is not effective. During the irrigation season, the irrigation system is usually operated without fertilizer, except for fertigation of detached media (soilless), hydroponics system and sandy soil.

Gat Fetrilizers have developed the Gatit fertilizer series for optimal nutrition for all various crops, while focusing of the plants’ needs requirements for providing micro and macro nutrients that the most efficient and effective managements.


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